Jim Crow, Jim Crow, Jim Crow . . .

From the desk of Lt Col. Allen West (State Chair of Texas)

Joe Biden’s press conference this past Thursday was a cascading disaster.

Jim Crow, Jim Crow, Jim Crow . . .

Let’s have a short history lesson on Jim Crow:

Jim Crow was a policy instituted by Democrats.

With that in mind, as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas – founded by 150 Black men I might add – I will continue to speak against HR 1.

This progressive socialist attempt to codify unconstitutional actions into law and undermine our democratic electoral system is disgusting.

And, the fact that they are trying to guilt people into agreeing with them by claiming that any opposition to their unconstitutional plan is racist.

Referencing Jim Crow as a reason to abolish the filibuster is also ridiculous.

The longest filibusters ever were Democrat senators speaking against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which ended up passing thanks to Senate Republicans.

All of these Democrat senators who filibustered against the 1964 Civil Rights Act remained Democrats, like Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd, and Strom Thurmond was the only one who became a Republican.

Neither HR 1 nor the abolition of the filibuster have anything to do with Jim Crow and this whole campaign is just truly reprehensible.

The GOP was founded to end slavery. Democrats are still talking about it and creating economic enslavement.


Steadfast and Loyal,

Lt. Col. Allen West

Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
